Friday, November 2, 2007


Me and River - 15 minutes old.
River Emalene Collier arrived today! Friday, November 2, 2007 at 8:22pm. She weighed in at 6 lbs., 7 oz. and measured 19 inches long. . and perfect.
Absolutely perfect.
Mother and baby are doing just fine.
Thanks to all of our family and friends for the prayers, gifts and kind words. It's been a long, long day. Here are some pics. More will follow.

Proud Mother and child.


Introducing River.

Grandma (a.k.a. MeMaw) Marti, JoAnna & River

Granny Collier (Yes, that's what she wants to be called!) and River after her first bath.


The Adventure Begins..



Cathy said...

Welcome to the world River! We've been waiting a long time for you. I have so many things to tell you and share with you.

Congratulations JoAnna and Rob. She is absolutely beautiful.

Marty and Lena congratulations and let the spoiling commence!!

Much love,

Aunt Cath and Uncle Michael

BBH said...

Congratulations JoAnna and Rob! Happy belated birthday River! What a beautiful family! River, you are perfect and absolutely adorable.
JoAnna and Rob,
I am so proud of you!
Please keep in touch....
Loving thoughts from your friends in Montana,
Cindy and Murray

Trina Roberts said...

Congratulations Rob and JoAnna!!

Just one look at River and you see...Our God is an Awesome God. Enjoy every precious moment.


Nate said...

Jo and Rob... Many, Many, Many congratulations and best wishes! Its great to see such a beautiful addition to the family. River, God has blessed you with great parents and a great home... God is truly good. Love you guys