Thursday, March 20, 2008

Mommy's Weekly Updates

Rob is working on a post as well so hang in there. He has a fascinating topic.

This is my first time blogging...ever. Shocker, huh? My goal is to post often to let you know the development milestones that River is accomplishing on a weekly and sometimes daily basis. I will hopefully be posting a lot of small entries as well with little tidbits of daily life with the "Doodle Bug."

I know all that you are thinking now is Blah Blah Blah where are the pictures?!!

River is almost 5 months old (April 2nd).

1. She can almost sit up completely by herself. Right now you have to sometimes hold her arm or shoulder when she gets tired but she gets better every day.

Apparently we don't eat in the dining room.

....and we like FOXNews.

2. She will try to help you get her dressed/undressed. The Girl likes to be naked and will learn to help you if that means nakedness will be expedited! She will push her arms through sleeves and pull them back out for you. She will also sit up while you put a onesie over her head.

3. She eats cereal and baby food. She will do the Happy Dance over bananas. She has also tried:
Pears (Eh.)
Peaches (Yum and More Please!)
Peas and Green Beans (I Like Green!)
Applesauce (The Jar Was Too Small-Want More!)
Carrots (Take 'em or Leave' em!)

Right this way to the non-smoking section.

Bananas GOOOOOD!
She is also keeping up her normal amount of formula ounces. She likes to eat(as can be evidenced by her cheeks and thighs). She likes the oatmeal cereal better than the rice but will eat both especially if they are served with other foods.

Cheeks and Thighs...It's What's For Dinner.

What Mommy Snacks on to Keep Off the Pounds.


4. She can drink out of a cup. Both kinds. The sippy cup I bought her is a tad heavy and is harder to get fluid out of so she gives up quicker. The regular drinking cup is great but you can only put one drinks worth of water in it at a time. She has no stop abilities once she gets started. This blew Rob away. He came home and I had a little plastic cup with a splash of water in it and he thought I had lost my mind. She took to it like a champ. Then he asked me if we could stop giving her bottles now.

5. She is starting to enjoy Tummy Time more and more now. After a nice warm bath I will roll her on her stomach and rub lotion on her. She is no fool. Never turn down a massage.

6. She will look at you if you call for her. I had to go into the bedroom for something and she made a distressed sound from her rocker in the kitchen. I said her name and looked at her and she looked right back at me.

I am sure their are even more new things happening and I will keep posting updates.


My next post will be about River's March Madness. Stay Tuned.



Her Memaw and Pepaw are so very proud of her. Looking forward to Rob's new post. and March maddness.

Gretta said...

So happy to see the new "mommy" blog. And even happier to see we will be getting daily pictures. You did say daily? LOL She is getting so big I am so glad to see the pictures but will be more happy to see her in person. She sure is beautiful..

Rob said...

Great first post, sweetie.

mustangmitch said...

Great first post JO-JO. I really enjoy the blog to see what lil' River is doing. Wish I was there.

BBH said...

Good Job Jo! This blog is absolutely the best! I show it off to my co-workers on a regular basis. River is as beautiful as ever.
Thanks for keeping us updated.

Debbie said...

Jo, thanks for the post. Really enjoy reading your comments. Look forward to more. She is a beautiful baby. You guys did a good job.