Friday, May 2, 2008

The Big 1/2!

River turns 6 months old today! No cake yet so we will be celebrating with lots of slobbery pudding-like treats. I've recently discovered that River likes popcicles - the homemade kind. So I'm sure I will be freezing up some fruit flavored pedialite. Mmmmmm.
The April Poll closed and it seems that 38% of you believe River's first words will be "Kitty", while 33% of you think it will be Mama and only 23% think it will be Dada. (4% thinks it will be her disbelief that Barack Obama made it this far in the Presidential race.)
The Poll for this month asks you to recall your favorite cartoon character. I've focused on characters of our generation but as for River, so far, she seems to really like Sponge Bob.
Get to voting!



Happy 1/2 Birthday River Girl...
MeMaw and PePaw Love You Lots!!!!

Erin said...

Happy 1/2 B-day Baby Girl!!! We all love you very much. Believe it or not, I actually remembered! My B-day falls on the 2nd of Oct, so yours is easy for me. Don't get to that one year mark too fast.

BBH said...

Time is going by way too fast! Happy 1/2 birthday day River!