Sunday, May 11, 2008

Happy Real Boss's Day


"I've seen the bosses job, and I don't want it."

- Bill Cosby


Women are natural-born multi-taskers. All of them. I've worked for men and for women. Men are easier. They don't expect too many things at once. . the tend to space 'em out a bit. They have no reason to think that you (assuming you're a guy like me) are capable of moving any faster than they are. Women. . well, look out. You're going to be busy. I've also been in charge of men and women. I have to hustle because the women are always on the verge of making me look bad (and often do). They are quick. Organized. They have psychic abilities. Eyes in the back of their heads. .
Mothers have honed these skills to black-belt status. They've reached the apex. Multi-Taskers Supreme.
My wife has recently joined the ranks of women who can proudly claim the title of "Mother" and it is a title that fits her like a glove. 14 years ago she relieved my Mom of my personal care taking duties. She's managed to keep me happy and healthy while holding down a full-time job and managing the daily household stuff. Oh sure, I do stuff too. I do laundry, loosen tight jars and kill spiders. I also occasionally have to be the big scary voice on the phone whenever Jo's diplomacy falls on deaf ears during the occasional customer debacle. Make no mistake, however, it is Jo who is responsible for the Lion's Share of keeping everything together and running smooth. And now we have a daughter! Now she has 2 of us to look after!! AND SHE WANTED TO DO THIS!! Is she crazy?
Happy Mother's Day, Jo. River and I love you and are so grateful for all you do.




BBH said...

Happy 1st Mother's Day Jo! I have one question? Are you going to learn how to ride the scoot?

Cathy said...

Ditto Cindy!


Happy Mother's Day JoAnna,
From your MOM.

Anonymous said...

Happy Belated Mother's Day Jo! You are so blessed! Love, Erin