Thursday, May 22, 2008

Sit Up

Ready for School

River has been growing so fast lately. Too fast? Their are two answers to that. Yes, because it just seems to be slipping through our fingers. No, because we are raising an adult, not a baby, and we can't wait for her to develop her Independence.

What a perfect post before the Memorial Day weekend, huh?

She has been sitting up on her own for about three weeks now. She can reach for toys or a cat tail and never loses her balance. We had actually been pulling her back up into a straighter sitting position when she would lean over to grab something and stay that way until we realized that she may be trying to get into position to start crawling so we stopped. She can sit back up on her own when she is tired of leaning forward.

I have noticed that we have to keep reminding ourselves that we shouldn't do everything for her. I think we are doing a pretty good job of recognizing it but sometimes it probably takes us longer than it should.

For the last couple of weeks we have been noticing that she is going to bed a little later every night. So subtle that it was hard to catch....until last night. We brought her home from school and she was incredibly cranky. She was rubbing her eyes and just seemed so sleepy. We tried giving her a bottle and she didn't want it. It was her "Night Ba", the last bottle before bedtime. It was 8PM. She wanted nothing to do with it. I looked at Rob and said that we had done everything we could possibly do for her and she was still crying.

We made the decision to let her cry it out.

I put her in her crib and walked away. I went into the living room and we tried to act like their was no baby making sounds like a dying piglet in the next room. We decided that we would give it an hour. If she was still crying at the end of the hour we would go get her. If she woke up in an hour we would go get her in order to give her the afore-mentioned "Night Ba". Otherwise we were going to stay strong and get through this together.

Three minutes went by and it seemed like a half and hour.

Ten minutes went by and she began to sound less like a dying piglet and more like a screechy tired baby monkey.

Fifteen minutes went by and all was quiet. I apparently shortly thereafter lost consciousness on the couch and Rob snuck in to make sure she was still breathing....

She was snoring.

And I was snoring.

Rob ran the very noisy dishwasher and I slept through it.

She slept ten hours last night. And you could tell. She was a new girl this morning.

Rob and I have decided that she is old enough to have a set bedtime now. We have also decided to tough out the next few days and let her cry it out. I will keep you posted on how it goes.

River's Favorite Toy? Paper!

We have a very exciting weekend ahead of us. My Brother is in the Marines and he is taking leave to go to my Mother's house for Memorial Day. He hasn't seen River since she was three weeks old. My Mom is working incredibly hard to get the house ready for all of us to come in for the weekend and you can tell in her voice that she can't wait to have all of her babies in the house together (Mikey, Rob, Jo and River).

Have a wonderful weekend everyone!

This page needs to be right here.



Memaw is rubbing her hands together in delight!!!
I get all my babies at one time!!! It is impossible to express how much this week-end means to Her PePaw and Me. Lets just say, the cooking has already started, and I am broke...LOL...

Anonymous said...

We really had a great time seeing you this weekend. I loved spending time with you guys. Kim