Monday, June 2, 2008

7 Months Old

River is 7 months old today. Sitting up unaided is old hat now. Still no walking or crawling yet but standing up in her walker or jumpster (or with Mommy or Daddy to lean against) is an everyday occurrence. She is also honing her flirting skills to near perfection. Getting in and out of a store quickly with her is impossible because she stops so many people dead in their tracks with a flash of her baby blues and her big grin. She is crazy about fresh blue berries, Yoplait strawberry yogurt and loves Welches grape juice. I mean she LOVES it! Put a little bit in her sippy cup and she gets a wild look in her eyes and sucks it down like a wino. Of course, she gets so excited about it that she gets more ON her than IN her and ends up looking like a little purple monster. A very sticky purple monster.
Below I have posted a couple of her 6 month portraits. I would have posted them sooner but we just received them.


Full of big, happy giggles.






Happy Seven Months RIVER! Hope to see you again, to get more RIVER lovin, soon.
Love MeMaw

BBH said...

What a cutie pie! You'd mentioned being a flirt...hmmmm..I wonder who she gets that from?

Cathy said...

Look at how big she is! Simply adorable!

Elijahpayne said...

She is getting so big and cutie

Anonymous said...

Great pictures! She's a doll-baby. Love, Erin