Saturday, July 12, 2008

Summer Fun

The following photos were taken by the wonderful ladies at Childrens Express. We've told you about them before. They're great. Here you will see River taking part in a Water day - a highlight of summer. Lots of wet, slippery, refreshing fun and, oh yeah, popsicles. River LOVES popsicles.

"I was told there would be popsicles??"


"I have one of these at my Memaw's house. I love these things!"


"DAHLING, Don't hate me because I'm adorable."


"Not Like! NOT LIKE!"


"Hello! I should be holding a popsicle. . right HERE."

"Mmmm. It's about time!"


Thanks to:

Miss Monica, Miss Shannon, Miss Christina, Miss Angel, Miss Susan, Miss Vicki and Miss Melissa.




Who could ask for more!! A great day, sun, water, friends and POPSICLES!!!!!

Anonymous said...

The look on River's face with the popsicle is wonderful. She's got such a "don't even THINK about touching my popsicle" expression!