Thursday, July 17, 2008

Swinging at the Playground


Our neighborhood has a little playground not far from our house and last weekend we took River there for the first time. I'm sure it will turn out to be the the first of many times. . eventually she will probably ride her bicycle there by herself. We arrived early when it was still cool and fog still hung in the air. The pool was not yet open so there were few people around; only a few golfers milling about in the adjacent club house.






Its great that she as access to a playground. Can we wait a few months before she goes alone, PLEASE...

Love it that she is getting to do so many fun things. I know that Her Mom and Dad are really concentrating on giving her every opportunity they can. She is one lucky little girl. And we are all very lucky to have her in our lives.

Can't wait to get my hands on her.
Love, MeMaw

Anonymous said...

She looks so content in that swing. I would love to see her. Hope she is feeling better. Yes at least a few years before going alone. LOL...Aunt Debbie