Friday, August 22, 2008

9 Month Portrait

Jo just picked up River's official 9 month portrait today and here it is:



At the time we were afraid that we were going to have to reschedule the sitting. About 3 minutes before the picture you see above was taken, River fell backwards and bonked her head on the table she was seated on. Under that thin, fuzzy black piece of material she is sitting on is a metal table and while Jo and I were changing her clothes (each of us thought the other had a stable grasp) she went down. It wasn't that bad but it sounded terrible: GONG!!! Well, needless to say the tears began to flow and both Jo and I felt as if child services should just haul us in right there. Other than letting a dingo eat my baby or allowing Michael Jackson to dangle River over a balcony I'd felt as if I had committed the worst daddy crime ever.

But she pulled herself together and made pretty pictures. My daughter is a trooper - what can I say?

More photo fun:





Her PePaw and I love it, that wonderful content expression, happy smile. No one would have quessed there was a "child services" moment at all...LOL
Vogue has never had a more beautiful cover girl!

BBH said...

9 months old already!!!!! Wow! Time is flying by so very quickly. Great photo enhancements....I love it. Cindy

Anonymous said...

If social services come in I want her. haha. I can't believe she is 10 months old. She is a beautiful little lady. Aunt Kim