Friday, October 10, 2008

Wool Fest '08

The Kentucky Wool Festival has been a Fall tradition for Jo and I ever since we began dating. In the past 14 years we have only missed it once and that was last year when Jo was thisclose to giving birth. It's a fun, old-timey, wholesome way to spend an afternoon.
Guilty confession; we usually go for the food. As soon as you park the car the aroma of wood smoke and seasonal and regional treats hang heavy in the crisp Autumn air. Country Ham, roasted corn, freshly baked pies and candy, etc.. Makes me hungry just thinking about it. The sounds too, are unique. The clank of the blacksmith's hammer and the "chug, chug, chug" of the sorghum mill. I tried to take in everything as if it were the first time. I tried to imagine it from the perspective of an 11 month old.
Then, of course, there are all the farm animals. Here are a few photos:


"Mmmmm, carmel dipped apples!"


"Memaw bought me this cute blue bonnet!"

"Hello Mrs. Sheep!"

"Chickens and turkeys are kinda stinky."

"Hello Billy!"

Bashful and tired. Ready to head home.




A wonderful time was had by ALL!
The weather perfect, the company AWESOME!
Oh yeah the FOOD...YUMMMMMM

Anonymous said...

Glad to see she had such a good time, great pictures..Gretta