Wednesday, November 26, 2008

A 2nd First Birthday!

I have fond memories of making out like a bandit on birthdays and Christmases (and sometimes just because it was Saturday. . or maybe because I was so devastatingly cute. . and modest but I digress) and then heading over to my grandparents to do it all over again. I'm proud to say that my daughter is carrying on this tradition. This morning Jo and I put the future Queen of the Universe in the car and headed to Eastern Kentucky to celebrate Thanksgiving. That holiday is tomorrow. . but today we celebrate her 1st birthday. No, you are not suffering from Deja Vu. . we did this already but Memaw Marti is so wrapped around River's oh-so-tiny digits that we just had to do it again.

Eat it up kid! Enjoy.

The scene of the crime.

The Suspect. Don't be fooled by the innocent routine.


The W.M.C. (weapon of mass confection) is delivered.


Little do the naive party-goers know of the impending smearing and crumbing they are about to witness!


Oh so, naive and innocent. .


. . it's difficult to watch!




It's ON!


"PRESENTS! I love them!"


"Who doesn't need a giant frog! Thanks Aunt Kim!"


A Santa Outfit. Oh, you'll be seeing this again!


100 Bible Stories.


Wrapping paper hysteria.


First 100 Words. Books are always a wonderful gift. .


. . and so are toys (so saith the Doodlebug).

"More cake please."


Anonymous said...

It's nice to see everyone having a good time, and very glad to see River enjoying her cake so much.. Nice job on the party Memaw...Gretta


WE had Great fun!!! Happy, Happy girl!!!!