Monday, November 3, 2008

Year 1


It's hard to believe that River has already been with us for a year. I know I can speak for Jo when I say that this has been the best year of our lives. I wanted to say something beautiful and eloquent but there just are no words that can do justice in describing how wonderful having this little one around has been. No words at all. At the risk of sounding cliche' I will stop there.
Yesterday, we were blessed with a beautiful, warm Autumn day. Indian Summer arrived in time for River's birthday party. Family and Friends gathered, much to River's delighted confusion, to wish her well and partake of cupcakes, punch and other goodies.
A very sincere "Thank You" to everyone who stopped by, sent a card or made a phone call. Your thoughtfulness is much appreciated.
Here are a few photos from River's party:

Good Morning Birthday Girl!

Yummy Birthday Cupcakes

. Time for "Wrapping Paper Insanity"!

Taking a break with Daddy.

I think Jo had a much fun as River. (I know I did.)

. It was quite a haul.

The center of attention.


Friends and family to the right. .

. . and left.
Chef Toni (and her adorable daughter, Audrey) - friend and baker of yummy cupcakes.

"I love you, Mommy."


At Last!


Here's to a great year! Cheers!



I'd like to thank everyone who has been stopping by this blog to check in on River from time to time. A year ago, I intended to only do this for the first year but I see no reason to stop now. There is just too much to look forward to.


The Adventure continues..


Anonymous said...

Please don't stop. We so enjoy getting to check in on River and see how she is growing. One year! Shew! Love you guys! ERIN


What a wonderful year it has been. Looking forward to so many more Happy, Happy, Birthdays!

Thanks, so much for not stopping! Sometimes it is all that gets me through to the next visit!!!!

Anonymous said...

Look like "One" and all had a wonderful time...Great to see so many pitures...She looks very happy..Gretta

Anonymous said...

Looks like everyone had a wonderful day. River looks so happy and so does her mom. Thanks for sharing all the pictures. Aunt Debbie

tugboatcapn said...

She's absolutely beautiful!

Happy Birthday, River! May God bless you every single day!

Is River walking yet? How many words does she know?

Do you ever get tired of watching her learn about the world?

Have you ever seen anything more beautiful and thrilling in your life than that process?

Me neither.

We miss you out here on the Blogosphere, Brother.

- Tug