Monday, January 26, 2009

A New Pedestrian

All walking is discovery. On foot we take the time to see things whole.
- Hal Borland

Some folks look at me and see a certain swagger, which in Texas is called "walking." - President George W. Bush

I can remember walking as a child. It was not customary to say you were fatigued. It was customary to complete the goal of the expedition.
- Katharine Hepburn

I go out walking after midnight.
- Patsy Cline

That's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.
- Neil Armstrong

Everywhere is within walking distance if you have enough time.
- Stephen Wright

The longest journey begins with a single step.
- Lao Tsu


It didn't happen the way I expected. . or rather the way I had hoped but that's just the way things go sometimes. According to the ladies at River's daycare she took her first steps several weeks ago. A step here, a step there. Over and over until she was able to string a few paces together that resembled the stroll of a drunken sailor on shore leave. I hadn't really gave it much thought but I guess I had hoped for one of those situations that you would see on television; the parents on opposite sides, facing each other, steadying the toddler and then gently coaxing the toddler to take a few wobbly steps into the arms of the other parent.
Scene: fade to black. voice over: "This moment was brought to you by Hallmark" (or Kleenex. . or. . whatever, you get the picture).
I'm grateful to the ladies of Children's Express for all of their help. Truth be told, I probably could have had the moment I was looking for had I worked a little harder for it. River is a cuddle bug and she loves to be held and carried. . and that's often just what I do. I've probably hampered her progress of walking sooner just because I'm completely wrapped around her little fingers.
But she's walking now and I cannot help but wonder where this progressively honed skill will take her. We walk to get from place to place. We walk to clear our minds and ponder thoughts. We walk to see new places and meet old friends. We walk towards the people we care about and, sadly, sometimes away from them too. We generate thousands of footsteps in a lifetime of bipedal locomotion and for River this has all just begun.



I am crying now, will check back later...I can not believe this has happened already, wasn't it just the other day that we brought her home???

Anonymous said...

OKAY, know life is going to get very intresting for one and all..Have lot of fun and lock all doors. LOL Gretta

Cathy said...

Congratulations little girl! Oh... the places we can go!!