Saturday, February 7, 2009

Seek and Ye Shall Find

So far we've been lucky this winter. No power outages, no frozen pipes, no fender-benders, etc. Many we know here in Kentucky have not fared as well. Still, winter is far from over and as lucky as we have been, Jo and I both have a serious case of the winter blues. In years past we have found a place to get our Spring and Summer fix. A place where we can find a little warmth and color when Winter is at its cruelest.
Time for River to take a field trip to Cincinnati's Krohn Conservatory.


The Krohn Conservatory has been providing a free escape from the Cincinnati/Northern Kentucky climate since 1933. Inside you will find a recreation of a rain forest (complete with waterfall), a desert garden, a tropical house, orchid house and floral display house.

Jo and River with the rain forest looming behind.

Spring flowers in the floral display house.


A huge orange tree bearing fruit. This may be commonplace for Jo's cousin, Gretta or my Aunt Bonnie and Aunt Connie in Florida but it's a rare and welcome sight here in February.


River taking it all in. Lots of interesting colors and smells and 80 + degree weather inside!

Something awe-inspiring in every direction.

Of course, you have to steal a sniff or two.


Ahhh, the hot and dry desert room.


Jo and River stroll through the desert. River may have just caught a glimpse of a small lizard. They were everywhere in here.


(self explanatory)


White orchid and Spanish Moss. I miss the Spanish Moss in New Orleans.


There is a reason people don't wear sweaters in the rain forest.

A peaceful waterfall.

Although she had never been there before, River insisted on being the tour guide.

A tropical canopy.

. River hanging out on a butterfly bench.


A nice break from the bleak winter scape outside.


River was very good about not disturbing any of the living plants. She was, however, committed to picking up every last leaf, bloom and whatchmacallit that happened to have fallen on the pathways. Here is one of the aforementioned whatchamacallits.



Cathy said...

I love going to the Krohn Conservatory. Going to Eden Park and spending time there is a wonderful way to spend the day. I have wonderful memories of visiting Krohn Conservatory as a little girl with my mom and brother... nice that you are creating fond memories for baby Crick.


Being one of the unlucky this winter, I sure could have used the Conservatory last week.
River looks as if she is learning everything she can. The look on her face is one of wonder, and examination.
Ohh, memories...

Anonymous said...

That place looks great, so much for a little girl to look at..Wonderful. Gretta