Saturday, March 21, 2009

Springtime Is Here

Here are some recent photos of River playing on the deck and hamming it up for the camera.

"That's a long way down."

"Want some juice, Daddy?"

As you have probably noticed in previous posts, she LOVES her Winnie the Pooh hat. She'll probably want to keep wearing it even in July. (Thanks Aunt Kim and Aunt Sheila.)

Snack time is even better outdoors.

"I think I ate a bug!"

Here she is showing her range as an actress. Here is "Bashful".






We are all happy that Spring is here. Lots more fun playing outside. New world of discoveries awaits...

Anonymous said...

I loved all of the pictures. She is really growing up fast. I miss you River. Look in the mail for an Easter present. Love Aunt Kimmy

BBH said...

You are so adorable!!! I hope I get a chance to meet you soon.
Until then, please ask mommy and daddy to continue taking these cute pictures of you.


Anonymous said...

Soooo CUTE! love all the diffrent expressions!! Make sure to frame those, Gretta