Sunday, April 19, 2009

Sunshine + Potato Soup = ZZZZzzzz

River enjoyed yesterday's warm, sunny weather and spent most of the day playing in the yard. All the fresh air combined with a bowl of potato soup at lunchtime conspired to knock her out cold.

A 2 hour nap followed and then more playtime. That is what I call a great Saturday!



Fun Fun Fun in the Sun Sun Sun!!!
Momma's home cookin...
Could a girl ask for more???

So happy she got to enjoy the great weather, and Mom and Dad to...LOL

Is that a little pigtail I see in the first picture?

Anonymous said...

Ahhh, this is the life! When do we get to see her sweet face in person again?

(Man, potato soup sounds really good!)

Love ya! Erin

Anonymous said...

Ooooh, I have been craving potato soup for weeks now...thanks, lol! She is sooo adorable! Can't wait to see her next month...and you guys too!!!
Love you all,
Ashley =]

Erin said...

I love that she is asleep AND still holding on to her plate.

Anonymous said...

Love the like "pig tails"...Gretta