Saturday, June 27, 2009

Daddy's Little Squirt

(This picture really has nothing to do with the post. It's just cute.)


I thought I was in the clear. I thought I might make it through fatherhood nice and dry. That, as it turns out, was not to be.

JoAnna, River and I went out on our bi-weekly grocery excursion and I decided to wear my Father's Day present from Jo which also happens to be my favorite t-shirt of all time! See for yourself. Here it is:

Behold! Ronald Wilson Reagan! The greatest president of modern times AND an awesome t-shirt (Get your own HERE).

So we are almost finished and River is getting antsy from sitting in the cart and wants me to carry her. No problem, I do just that because she's adorable and I'll take any excuse to parade her around in my arms. After a few moments I hear River say, "Uh-oh Daddy" and a second after that I feel an odd, warm sensation on my left side.


Wow. This is suddenly a different situation. I never anticipated that all the wiggling in the cart would. . uh. . shift the diaper and cause a complete failure in absorbency.

Well, as usual, Jo came to the rescue. River was taken to the restroom and changed and I purchased a new t-shirt and sent the president to the car. All an innocent accident.

Or was it??

River peed on Ronald Reagan! Does that make her a democrat? A liberal? A commie? Was she trying to make her first political statement? It was on THE LEFT SIDE! Mmmmmm, makes me wonder.

She's free to make up her own mind but I foresee a serious father/daughter talk over juice boxes in the future.



I will not have my very own grand daughter called such visious names!!! :) :)
I laughed so hard I almost peed my pants! You know how I am :)

I would love to have seen your face. And the fact that she warned you is awesome! I can see a potty chair, that is used, in the near future for her, and YOU!

Anonymous said...

I love Ronald Reagan. He is my favorite president of all time. We will have to convert her to conservatism if she goes astray. haha
Love Kim