Saturday, July 11, 2009

Here There Be Monsters!

I'm not sure how it happened but River has become a big fan of dinosaurs. Every time there is a dinosaur on television (which happens more than you think) she will stop and point at the screen and yell "DINE-SAW! DINE-SAW! RAWR!". Thank goodness there happened to be a dinosaur exhibit nearby at The Cincinnati Museum Center! Talk about perfect timing! Now River could get an up close and personal look.

She saw this guy from a quarter mile away and became VERY excited!
. Naturally, the bones and fossils did nothing for her. BOR-RING!


NOT BORING AT ALL! River did not realise that this was going to be. .

. . quite this INTENSE! She quickly adapted. She is her mother's daughter and, therefore, fears nothing. (Jo was reading Stephen King when other children were reading Dr. Seuss.)

A couple of velociraptors looking for Laura Dern. I told them that I hadn't seen her.

I told Jo not to wear the "Raw Meat" eau de Parfum.

This is a. . uh. . uhhhh. . MultiSharpToothisauraus. Trust me.

And here is another one.

River had a blast! She loved the dinosaurs and, naturally, the gift shop.
.. BONUS! One of them followed us home! Bad day for Jo. (Please send money in lieu of flowers.)



River's new dino t-shirt.



Anonymous said...

I LOVE these pics of River & Jo! Too cute...looks like everyone had a blast!!!


Great that you all got to go.
River is living a life of adventure and learning.

Love the pictures, never can get enough.

Anonymous said...

Too Cool, for words...gretta

Anonymous said...

Of course Jo & River aren't afraid of anything, they're Branham women.

She is such a doll! She is changing in her looks. I love her little t-shirt!

Love you guys!

Anonymous said...

You blow my mind Rob how you do those pictures. Kim