Friday, September 18, 2009

"Boat in da Water! Boat in da Water!"

Living in a neighborhood with 3 lakes and the Kentucky River provides plenty of opportunities to see boats. River loves 'em! Rowboats, inflatable rafts, fishing boats, pontoons, tug boats, barges. . it doesn't matter to her. All cause an immediate exclamation of "Boat in da water! Boat in da water!! Mommy! Daddy! Look! Boat in da water!"

We don't have a boat. Not yet, anyway. Maybe someday. Thankfully, we have great neighbors like the Loziers who took River on her first boat ride last Thursday.

Here are a few photos:


River on board for the first time. We didn't have a life jacket, so we took special care to hold on tight and stay close to the shore of Perry Park's Big Bass Lake.

Eric Lozier sharing his captains chair with River.


Karen, Kyle and Evan Lozier waiting on shore. (Sorry, these pics were taken with my phone. It doesn't have a zoom.)

River pointing to "where the fishies live".

Evan keeping the family bass tracker steady.

River ready to take the wheel.




Another ADVENTURE!!!
What a great bunch of friends and neighbors you have. You are a very lucky little girl.

Anonymous said...

Not to happy aboout seeig that baby on the water with no life jacket:)But very nice she enjoyed being out their,Gretta