Sunday, September 6, 2009

Labor Day Down on the Farm

River (as well as Jo and I) spent the Labor Day weekend in Eastern Kentucky with her Memaw and Pepaw. The farm is a nice place to say goodbye to the season as the last bit of Summer ebbs away to make way for Autumn.
Here are some photos of River's weekend:


"Just let me know if you have any farmin' questions, Pepaw."

"Sorry. Please tell Elle and Vanity Fair that I'm far too busy now. I'll have my people call their people later."

Relaxin' is catchy.








Sharing watermelon with Mamaw Ann.




Anonymous said...

OHHH, these were such wonderful snap shots...I love the one of River and Scotty, too sweet! Thanks for sharing all those great moments. Gretta


We had a wonderful time. Down on the farm.
Wish it could have lasted longer :(
Miss them already.....

Anonymous said...

Thanks for visiting River and family. I miss you. Love Aunt Kim

Unknown said...

Holy crappers, does that baby look like Mommy!

Anonymous said...

I agree with Gretta, the one of her and Scottie was my favorite. It made tears well-up in my eyes...She is such a doll baby. I hated that I missed getting to see you all.

Love ya!