Wednesday, October 21, 2009

A Day at the Office

River recently spent time at work with her mommy..

"Your TPS report is late. I'll need it by the end of the day. Oh, and did you get my memo about the new cover sheet for the TPS report? I'll just go ahead and shoot that memo over to you again, mmmm-kay? Ohhhh, and uhhhh.. I'm, gonna need you to come in on Saturday too, mmmm-kay? Greeeaaaat. Thaaaaanks."


"You're gonna need some more Windex."

"This is a big place. I need a break now."

River ( a.k.a. "The Peanut")

1 comment:


Finally the "PEANUT" shirt. She is looking so much like a little girl now, instead of our baby girl...shewwww
Almost TWO!