Saturday, October 10, 2009

Rock Grrrrrrrl

River is always happy to see "daddy's gee-tars". I brought 2 of them out tonight and, for the first time, let River enjoy herself with them. I was amazed to see that she knew how to properly hold the pick. She also did a very good job at gently and evenly strumming the strings. I didn't tell her how to do anything! It amazes me when I see how much she learns on her own just by watching.

"I know it's only rock and roll but I like it."


Like any true guitarist, River has perfected her "guitar face".


"Guitar Hero" is for wannabes! River goes for the real thing.

"This next song I wrote while I was listening to a lot of The Cure.."

. .

If she continues to show interest I will probably buy her a ukulele or maybe a miniture travel guitar. Until then, she is always welcome to play with daddy's gee-tars..


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