Monday, November 16, 2009

Happy 2nd Birthday River!

You never really know how quickly time can go by until you have a child. Two years have flown by in the twinkling of an eye. 730 days ago a doctor handed a bewildered me what I could only believe to be a giant, slim-covered, blue-eyed salamander baby. I looked to my wife for reassurance and was met with a mooney-faced look of pride and love. "Well she is obviously on drugs! I'll check back with her later!" I looked again at the slim-covered, blue-eyed salamander baby just before I was about to make a Rob-shaped hole in the closed door and. . SHE LOOKED BACK AT ME. The eyes! She was mine! She was OURS!

We've tried to soak up every ounce of joy and happiness over the past 2 years and I think we've done a pretty good job so far. Everyday brings new firsts and milestones. I don't want to miss any of it because we'll never pass this way again.

Happy birthday daughter! You are a blessing beyond belief.

Sneaking a piece of candy before the guests arrive. Shhhhh.

Discussing farming with her Pepaw.

The Cake.


She was a little freaked out. "Why is mommy putting me into the cake???"

"You should try some of this, Granny Collier! It's good stuff!"

At first she thought that everyone had brought her bags of colorful paper! And she was fine with that!

She soon discovered that there was other goodies beneath the paper!

Receiving an heirloom butterfly that once belonged to her Great, Great Grandmother Martha.


The loot was overwhelming!

Keys to a new car!!


Her first guitar!!


"Yea, I've been playing for most of my life."


River and her Pepaw rehearsing for their Winter Tour. Note the attitude and Rock and Roll stance.


"Daddy! You're blocking the Tunnel O' Fun!"


River's friend, the always adorable Audrey!


This is the face of a cake and candy high.

Alert the Media!


Take a look back - November 2, 2007

The Adventure Continues. .



Anonymous said...

Yeah.....I cried! Very sweet! Thanks for including the ones who can't always be there in this amazing journey along the "River."



Time is just going by to FAST!!!!

We all had such a great time.


Anonymous said...

Here's to a great upcoming third year, River.... Love,Gretta