Saturday, February 20, 2010

Name That Dog

We pick our puppy up a week from today. She is a 4 1/2 month old pure bred Cairn Terrier who has yet to be named. So far she has simply been known as "Female #3". Naturally, since she is to be River's puppy, we decided to let River name her. Her idea was to name her "Fifi" after a toy stuffed dog that she already owns. Nope. I just can't hear myself calling for a "Fifi" - time for a Plan B.. except there is no Plan B.
I am completely stumped. This is the same breed as Dorothy's dog "Toto" from The Wizard of Oz but we can't name her "Toto". Not only does that sound like a boy's name but I would imagine about half of all Cairn Terriers go by that name.

Love that mischievous sideways glance. She and River will be a formidable duo.


Just in from a snowy adventure.


If you have any ideas, please feel free to send them our way. Something original, fun yet slightly distinguished. Oh.. actually we need 3 names for the AKC registration. Yea, I can't think of one decent name and I'm supposed to come up with 3? Niiiiiice.


If you can think of anything, please let me know in the comments section or send it to us in an email at



Rob, Jo & River



Anonymous said...

I think she looked like a Zoe Elle Collier!
But when I really looked at her she looked like
Honey Bee Collier.... So it's a toss up! Good Luck!! I am so excited for River ... I love puppies!


I will think on it...

Rob said...

Get to it Martha!


Still thinking....