Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Snow Day

There are few things as magical as a snow day when you are little. Days when Mother Nature decides that you need a break and replaces the normal daily grind with cartoons and pop tarts in bed, comfy pajamas, snowball fights with friends and family and maybe the construction of a snowman or two.
This ain't one of those days.
River is two years old now and I think it's just about time for this gravy train to end. Time to get out and earn some money for those pop tarts and Tinkerbell paraphernalia. It's a tough world and no daughter of mine is gonna grow up a softy. I never enjoyed a snow day as a child. HECK NO. School never closed when I was little. If it was too slippery for the buses to operate, well.. we just walked to school. 20 miles. Up hill. Both ways.
Time for some tough love:

Nothing builds character like shoveling the deck before sunrise!
. It's good exercise too! Feel the burn, River?
Hurry up River! Don't forget the front stoop as well!
Mmmmmm, hot chocolate after hard work tastes even better!




I am so proud, she is a hard worker like her MeMaw. I can't wait to get help feeding the cows and everything this summer ;-)
That hot cocoa looked like it was well deserved.
Loved the mother & daughter pose in the first picture.
Love to all...

Anonymous said...

Love all the new pictures, and the old ones:)..I hope she got to play in that snow too...Gretta

BBH said...

Don't you think you're being a little tough on River?
She makes shoveling snow look like fun.

Anonymous said...

I doubt you walked 20 miles to school.. I believe you are fudging that one.. LOL cute pics