Monday, April 21, 2008

Mmmm, Pancakes!

Here is a quick video from breakfast yesterday morning. Jo gave River a taste of her pancakes. She seems to like the syrupy-goodness.

You can actually see her shiver towards the end of the video. I think that's when the sugar kicked in.




Someone needs to get me a tissue, this makes me miss her more! and I was there just yesterday.

She is such a happy baby, so good.
We had FUN, FUN, FUN!!!!

It is so wonderful to see her, and realize just how much she has learned in a few weeks. Now just counting the days till I see her again.

Love To All, MeMaw Marti

Anonymous said...

Just like her mom-loves the sweet stuff. cute as she can be can't wait to see you all. MIKEY

Anonymous said...

She's would just go crazy in a IHOP... Very cute, Gretta

BBH said...

A girl after my own heart! I love it!