Saturday, April 12, 2008

River wants to hear from YOU!

The main reason I decided to put this blog together was to provide family and friends with an easy, up-to-date way of "checking in" on River. A way to see how's she has been developing, learning and growing. With loved ones scattered all over the states and everyones life being so hectic, it seemed like the perfect way to kinda "leave the door open" and have everyone drop by whenever it was convenient for them. So far, it seems to be working like a charm. It didn't take very long for me to realize that this running record of River's early days might actually be important to River herself someday. One part in particular; the comments section. I think she may enjoy hearing what you've got to say and now you can say it and it will be recorded for later when she can actually understand it.
I know that some of you have had difficulty in leaving comments in the past. I think this is probably because of the security measures and various other hoops you may have had to jump through (signing up for a Google account??). So far, I've had no issues with strange pervs leaving inappropriate messages so I've decided to make it as easy as possible to leave a comment.
Here's what you do if you happen to feel so inclined:
1) Find the "Comments" link at the bottom of the particular post you wish to comment on.
2) Click it.
3) Type your message in the box provided in the pop-up screen. Be sure to leave your name at the end of the comment as if you were typing a letter.
4) Select "Anonymous" when asked to select your identity. This will keep you from having to sign up for a Google account or enter a password, etc.
5) Either preview your message and then publish it or just publish it.
That's it. That's all.
If you come across an older post and want to comment on it - go ahead. Just because the post isn't current doesn't mean your comment will be missed. I am sent an email from the blog every time someone comments on a post no matter how old the post may be.
Now I've made it easy so there is no excuse. That's right. . I'm talking to you Aunt Bonnie in Florida. I know you read this. . as well as Jo's Aunt Kim in Eastern KY. . and it goes double for you Becky! My Mom tells me you read this blog all the time.
In fact, I'm on to all of you. . here's what I'm gonna do. All habitual non-comment offenders may receive a special delivery of this:

That's right folks. That there is genuine River dooky. . and I've got plenty of it. Don't make me send you a stinky package! Becky, you live close enough for me to hand deliver it. . to your front porch. . in a flaming bag. .

Now get typing.

Love you all.



I don't think I have anything to worry about in the comment department, maybe You would like me to comment less...LOL
I agree family and friends, lets Us hear what you think about River's escapades...
Memaw and Pepaw Love Ya...

Cathy said...

Dear River,

I know that one day you will be a teenager... and one day everything your parents do will mortify you... Let this be a moment when we all remember when every person that knows you saw your poo...

I for one could have gone the rest of my life without seeing your poo... Yes... yes... to the naysayers... I know we all do it... but again... there are some things that just do not need to be shared... so... kid, when you are old enough... I'm on your side on this one...

Anonymous said...

Rob, should we really be blackmailed into leaving comments? I mean, you want it to come from the heart, don't you? I think if you would've explained it at the beginning, rookie computer-users like me would've commented a long time ago! On River's Mommy's side, we see enough crap as it is. (Hope you know I'm being sarcastic) Love you guys! Erin

Anonymous said...

Love that I can just leave a comment, thanks again for keeping us updated...Gretta

Anonymous said...

Hello. This post is likeable, and your blog is very interesting, congratulations :-). I will add in my blogroll =). If possible gives a last there on my blog, it is about the Home Theater, I hope you enjoy. The address is A hug.

BBH said...

I must agree with Auntie Cathy! There are some things that are better left UNSHARED.
You know that this will be shared with your friends and eventually boyfriends. It will be brought up at family reunions and maybe even at your birthday parties. I'm sorry that you will have to go through this but it is part of life. Everyone has a part of their childhood that they really wouldn't have shared, if they had a say so in the matter.
Good thing is you are absolutely adorable and maybe, just maybe people will focus on that and not this one little event of your life.
Love, BBH