Thursday, May 1, 2008

Giving Thanks

Over the last few weeks it has really dawned on me just how much my family and friends really, really mean to me and how much we apparently mean to them.

When you have a baby the outpouring of love is indescribable until you have actually experienced it yourself.

I am not going to name names here. Their are too many to count. Also it doesn't matter how much someone has "spent" on River. It is the sincere love behind even the smallest gift or gesture.

You actually expect that when you announce the impending arrival of a little one that their will be parties thrown and that the grandparents are going to go hog wild with excitement. ( Done!)

What you don't expect is that the giving never ends. River still receives thoughtful gifts from lots of people. Not only that, I can't tell you how nice it is when someone just asks me how she is doing. Or remembers how old she is. Or remarks on her cuteness. Or tells me they looked at her blog today.

Rob and I are new parents. We have never done this before. We couldn't have done it without you all. I know that we sent out thank you cards. I know that we have said thanks to many of you in person. Now I want to say it to the world (the little piece of the world that reads the blog anyway!)

Thank you. We really appreciate it.

And so does she.

Six Months Old Tomorrow



I didn't even know my life was not complete, until, RIVER EMALENE came along.

Anonymous said...

Jo, I really love that picture of River on the bed, ready for school. She looks so much like you in that picture. Sorry, I missed seeing her this past week end. When do you think you will be back for a visit? I will plan on staying in Ky when you come next time. Aunt Debbie