Thursday, June 26, 2008

My Fathers Day Post

So i'm looking at my Husband last night. He is on the floor with River. He had went upstairs to retrieve her rug from her nursery so that she could have a nice soft place to play. He would show her toys. Fly her around. Bounce her on his knee and kiss her on the cheek.

Tell her he loves her.

I can't even express to you how proud I am of my Husband.

He is a wonderful Father. If anything, I would venture to say that Fatherhood has made him a better person. A Dad has to be patient, kind, loving, and strong. He had these qualities before but they have been sharpened with the arrival of River.

Our days are long and hard. We get up in the morning and get ready for work. We say goodbye and drive to our separate destinations. We work a full day. We get back into our cars and make the long drive home. We get home to feed her, bathe her and dress her for bed. We take her up to her room and kiss her goodnight.

Rob doesn't sigh with the final quiet and alone time of a baby in bed. He bemoans the fact that he only had a few hours with her today. He prays that we don't have too much to do on the weekends so that he can spend quality time with her.

Rob, River and I love you very much and we are so glad that you are "Da-Da".


Rob said...

Awwwe, shucks. . Thanks honey. Best job I ever had. Wish I could slow time down. I love you both.


I wish that we where all wealthy, so work was not a terrible time stealer...

Just make sure you treasure every minute that You get with her. All to soon You will find yourself having wonderful talks with a full grown adult, and wondering where all the time went.

Being a Grandparent from a distant is really hard. I can't tell you how important each post, and picture is to us. Thank You so much for taking the time to share her with all of us.

She couldn't have asked for a better Da-Da...

Anonymous said...

River will value her realationship with both of you, but the father/daughter relationship is so important! Take it from a Daddy's girl. She'll learn how to let a man treat her from how you treat her & Jo. I think you're both doing a wonderful job! Love you all, ERIN