Thursday, June 26, 2008

One Is The Loneliest Number

Cheeseburger in Paradise?

This post is expressly to inform you all that River now has her very first tooth.


So were we!

She had been fussy for the previous two nights and we had attributed it to the fact that we were training her to sleep through the night in her nursery upstairs. Until recently River was sleeping in a Pack n' Play in our bedroom.

At one point on the second night Rob had had enough and went up to get her around 3AM. I think his "Daddy Sense" was tingling.

Come Sunday she is happy as a lark and doing just fine.

I was giving her a bath that night and had been musing that she will be eight months next week and their was still no tooth to be seen. I fretted that maybe she would be gumming food at her first birthday party.

To clarify, I have to give you some background.

I have been given the theory that she has been teething since she was about three months old. She would cry uncontrollably and chew frantically and after a few hours or a few days (yes, a few days Lord help us!) she would be right as rain again. This has been going on for five months.

Every so often I would have someone tell me that they could feel a bump, even one of her Pediatricians. And I don't doubt that they could.

What was so distressing was that I never could. I didn't know if I just didn't have the special Mommy ability. Apparently I don't because it didn't even occur to me that she would be teething. No Teething Gels, no Tylenol, nothing.

Fast forward again to Sunday night. I notice that she is going to town on this plastic cup. I put my index finger in her mouth and there it is! A sharp, ridgy pearl of whiteness above the gum line.

I yelled for Rob and he could feel it too.

Then I started crying.

On the Menu: Grilled Miniature Hamburger on Wheat, Baked Sweet Potato French Fries, Fresh Corn Off the Cob and White Peach Grape Juice



River!!! Wooo Hooo!!! I see more of those in your future...LOL

Anonymous said...

WOW!!! I am so glad you got your first tooth. Now in a few years you will be crying to get it out of there. OH MONEY FOR A TOOTH, Something is wrong with this picture tooth fairy. Love you, Aunt Kimmy