Wednesday, June 18, 2008

That's My Daughter in the Water


Here's a little video of River exploring the briny deep for the first time - all 4 gallons of it. I think she was looking for SpongeBob and Patrick. Actually when we first sat her down in the water it was easy to see that she was confused. "Why am I taking a bath outside? Wow, we really ARE hillbillies aren't we! Wait a minute! It's not even Saturday Night!"

A few days ago Jo and I were taking turns feeding River when I noticed that she was staring off in a day dream. This is no big deal for you or I but for River this is quite a first. This is the first time that we've noticed River not being completely "in the moment" of whatever is going on at the time. A developmental sign perhaps? Proof of a sense of security maybe. . or maybe she has already come to the conclusion that Mommy and Daddy are completely boring.

Yea, it's probably that last one.

The best part was the moment she caught herself not paying attention and noticed that we were just staring at her with big goofy grins on our faces. She startled just a bit and then, seemingly embarrassed, gave us her own big goofy grin as if to say, "Uh, yea. . I was actually listening to you guys the whole time".

I hope she remains a daydreamer. I like the idea of my daughter being able to get lost in the adventures that can be found in a 4 gallon kiddie pool or having the ability to stare for hours at clouds as they slowly pass by overhead.



Everything she sees
she says she wants.
Everything she says she wants
I see she gets.

That's my daughter in the water
everything she owns I bought her
Everything she owns.
That's my daughter in the water,
everything she knows I taught her.
Everything she knows.

Everything I say
She takes to heart
Everything she takes
She takes apart

That's my daughter in the water
Everytime she fell I caught her
Everytime she fell
That's my daughter in the water
I lost everytime I fought her
Yeah, I lost everytime

Everytime she blinks
she strikes somebody blind
Everytime she thinks
blows your tiny mind

That's my daughter in the water
Who would ever thought, ever thought
That's my daughter in the water
I lost everytime I fought her

Yeah, I lost everytime

- Peter Blegvad, Daughter






I am sooooo IN LOVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Over the MOON IN LOVE!!!!!!!!!!!
With my RIVER EMALENE!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Too cute, hop she continues to love the water, tell he cousin Gretta now were to find some "big" water to play in...Gretta

Anonymous said...

Too cute, hop she continues to love the water, tell he cousin Gretta now were to find some "big" water to play in...Gretta

BBH said...

What a doll! Thanks for keeping us updated on River's new endeavors! I often show her off to my co-workers. Everyone concurs that she is too cute! Cindy

Elijahpayne said...

She is adorable! She looks like she is having so much fun in the water. I can't believe how big she is getting.

Anonymous said...

What a bathing beauty. Miss America here I come. Love ya, Aunt Kimmy