Thursday, September 4, 2008

They Used To Stay White.....

River turned 10 months old this past Tuesday.

10 Months.


She is now the oldest infant in her class at school. All of the one year olds moved on. The next oldest in her class is a 5 month old. I look at the babies now in her class and I am just amazed that she was once their size.

She is really reaching her milestones at a faster pace now.

She can say "kitty cat" pronounced "chi-tat" and she points at Rob as soon as he comes home from work and yells "da da". I have had her point at things and say "ont that".

She has almost four teeth now. She likes to crunch cheesy poofs with them.

She loves bath time more than ever. It has become more play and less bath as the weeks have gone by. She is trying to pull herself up the sides of the tub.

She can get on her hands and knees now and can pretty much get to wherever she wants. She is pulling up on anything that will hold her weight and her feet have gone from a size 1 to almost a size 3 in two months.

She has bruises on her knees from skooching around on the hardwood floor. We can't keep her on her quilts.

A Mammaw Ann Quilt

I like Jack in the Box

She has been feeling so much better the last two weeks. But the previous three were pretty miserable for all of us. We were all sick. She missed a lot of school. It took a few days for her to get used to her school routine again and then suddenly it was Labor Day Weekend. You can tell that she wasn't feeling tip top in the pictures above. It was the first time that she had ever registered a fever.

The previous post shows her 9 month pictures, which were taken on August 2nd. Afterwards she was pretty hungry so we decided to stop at the local I-Hop for a late breakfast. She totally charmed the elderly couple behind her.

During the three weeks that she had been ill Rob and I would have to take a day off of work here or there to cover each other. Mom even came and stayed for a whole week so that we wouldn't miss work.

The first time that Rob stayed home with her for an entire day he discovered that River can be tricky. I came home from work and he told me that since she wasn't feeling well she wanted to be held and comforted constantly. She would get sleepy and he would decide to lay down with her until she fell asleep so that she wouldn't get upset. They would get cuddled up and her eyes would close. Rob would wait a little bit and then start to get up. She would awake immediately and start crying.

I told him that their was a way to tell if she was really asleep. She wouldn't hold on to her legs or feet if she was really sleeping. She would just get all splayed out.

She was playing possum. So he took a picture of her faking it.

I am looking at you through my eyelashes

Eating meals is becoming much more entertaining as well. She has been able to hold her own cup and feed herself finger foods for a while now but we are starting to add more Big Girl food to her diet. She loves to eat when we eat versus feeding her and then ourselves. Last night we had farfalle pasta with chicken and spinach and I just poured some on her plate. She ended up with a lot of the spinach on her face but ate quite well.

Her favorite meal is breakfast. I make sure we have at least one good breakfast every weekend.

I have no idea what you are talking about so here is a baby with a pancake on its head.

Her hair is filling out. We still can't tell is she will be a brunette or have curly hair or straight. It is long enough to put into a mohawk so nothing else matters, right?

Have a wonderful weekend everyone!



Does she feel okay, do you need me to come???? LOL Hope to come see you soon as Papaw Clarence gets better. You will probably meet me at the door by then.
MeMaw Marti Loves You my big girl....

BBH said...

I don't know that she really liked the pancake on her head! Maybe she just didn't care one way or another.
The pictures are the best! Keep them coming :o) Cindy

Lainey-Paney said...

oh, that faking it picture is so cute!