Sunday, April 26, 2009


It's been a BIG weekend. Lots of firsts! River, thanks to JoAnna's undying patience, now says "please" and "thank you" although sometimes she says "there ya go" instead of "thank you". She also says "butterfly" but it comes out as "butt fly". Good enough.

The big one came last night; gone is the baby crib. River now sleeps in a toddler bed. I was terrified that she would fall out and crack her head open but, nope, it never happened. True, Jo and I did lay an inflatable pool raft beside her bed as an insurance policy but, so far, it hasn't been needed. We'll leave it there for a few more nights.

Next: Potty Training. It won't be long. More on that later.

Here are some photos from this afternoon. It was 80 degrees in the shade so it was time to bring out the hillbilly hot tub once again.

"Dad! Again with the camera! Really?"


(Flexing for the camera.)

(Nom nom nom)


Anonymous said...

I love her litle "hot tub"..And congrats' on the new bed..It going to be a exciting summer for you all..Gretta


Yeepee... The Hot tub! Did I get the swim suit at Babies r Us? Do I need to shop...LOL

The toddler bed is a big step, I cryed when I took down the crib here, and was all excited to put up the toddler bed.

Love MeMaw

Erin said...

She's almost 18 months, isn't she?! Bittersweet.

Love ya!