Friday, May 22, 2009

Catching Up

It's been a few weeks. . sorry for the delay. A combination of issues (computer problems, heavy workload and beautiful weather) have conspired to keep me from posting recently. Here's what has been going on:
We celebrated Jo's second Mother's Day. She just keeps getting better and better! I've asked myself from time to time if this is really the same girl I met 15 years ago in college? The one with purple hair? Yep! It is and she's an amazing Mommy. She's been honing her S.M.V. (Serious Mommy Voice) when it comes to situations requiring a slightly elevated tone of authority but not crossing the line and sounding angry. It's seems to be working. . River is taking notice and so am I. I'm happy to report that both River and I have been doing much better about not throwing as many tantrums.

Mother's Day 2009

River's Daycare/Learning Center closed. Children's Express, which was a WONDERFUL place, fell victim to the struggling economy and ridiculously expensive revised government guidelines. I ask you, seriously, when has the government (state or federal) ever truly improved anything? ANYTHING? What was perfectly acceptable a year earlier suddenly was no longer acceptable now. State required upgrades such as $6,000.00 sinks (yes, more than one) and $20,000.00 worth mulch in the play ground among other things dealt the death blow to a place filled with learning, compassion and happiness. Gee, I can't wait until health care is controlled by the government too!

River, of course, doesn't understand why she doesn't get to see so many of her friends anymore. She asks about them all the time. Life is full of goodbyes. I didn't want it to start so soon for her.

Getting ready to leave on the last day at Children's Express.


River enjoying an ice cream party with her friends on the last day at Children's Express.

We returned to The Krohn Conservatory for the annual Butterfly Show ("Butt Flies" as River calls them). River enjoyed herself despite the fact that the show was heavy on the people and a little light on the butterflies. No big deal for River - she's a people watcher.

One of the rare Indian Butterflies on display at the show.


River taking it all in. She was staring at this. .


. . gigantic butterfly. I think it could have carried her away.
Back in the jungle with my Doodlebug.


Anonymous said...

Jo, you and River look great, I hope you had a wonderful mother's day. Sorry about the daycare center..Cool "Butt Flies". River have fun with Memaw this coming week..Gretta

Anonymous said...

I am so sorry about River's school closing, it seemed to be such a wonderful, caring place.

I think River gets cuter all the time. I miss you guys!!

Love ya!