Sunday, August 9, 2009

Adventure at The Louisville Zoo

A couple of weeks ago, we took River to the zoo for the first time. I had never been to the Louisville Zoo but was pleasantly surprised. It had a real up close and personal feel. Animals can easily seem dwarfed by their habitats but these animals seemed very comfortable and were easily seen and enjoyed.
River enjoyed herself but, in typical River style, took it all in with ease. As if she had been around these animals all the time. Many of the parents that were near us didn't act as calm. The only time she lost her cool was when a Canadian goose strolled over to us at lunch and tried to sweet talk River out of some of her french fries. River doesn't share french fries!

Loaded up and ready to roll!
And off they go. .

Here's that smooth-talkin' goose I was telling you about.

. No Sir, she didn't care for that goose at all!

.Just another lazy afternoon for the lions.

. The jaguar was beautiful and so close to us.

. River, Queen of the Jungle!

. Always a fave of mine...

. are the elephants too.

. River got a new hat!

. When I told River to look at the horses, she corrected me and informed that they were zebras.


We had the entire merry-go-round all to ourselves.

. Meerkats are awesome!

. "Are you sure he's a vega. . uh . .vegie. . ah. .tarian kitty?"

. My Ladies!


I went to the animal fair,
The birds and the beasts were there,
The big baboon by the light of the moon
Was combing his auburn hair,
The monkey bumped the skunk,
And sat on the elephant's trunk;
The elephant sneezed and fell to his knees,
And what became of the monk, the monk,
And what became of the monk, the monk,
The monk, the monk, the monk.



BBH said...

Don't worry River! I don't share my french fries either! Looks like you had a great time. Cindy


Wonderful! Another adventure, I am sure You will be back to visit her new friends.

Anonymous said...

Cool! Zoo's are just the best..Love your cute little t-shirt, River. Gretta