Sunday, September 13, 2009

Mmmmmmm! Yummy!

After River discovers that Mommy is baking Cinnamon rolls, she decides to put her cheese & peanut butter crackers some place safe to enjoy later.

"I'll just save this for another time."

Attack of the Zombie Baby!

"MMMmmmm, Bwains! I wuv bwains!"



Mrs.Hege K. said...

Have a nice day in America ! Greatings from Norway. Nice blog.

River's Daddy said...

Thank you,Mrs.Hege! Our best to you!


That is a very safe place for her crackers, Who else would want them...LOL

Poor Andy, he does get the ruff lovin doesn't he.

What's up with the Ouchie???

Love ya

Anonymous said...

LOL!!! How fuuny!!!


Anonymous said...

TOO FUNNY! Safest place in the world for that cracker..Gretta