Sunday, October 4, 2009

Wool Fest ' 09

When the trees lose their summer splendor
Change to raiment red and gold,
When the summer moon turns mellow,
And the nights are getting cold;
When the squirrels hide their acorns,
And the woodchucks disappear;
Then we know that it is autumn,
Loveliest season of the year.
- Charlotte L. Riser


Yesterday we returned to The Kentucky Wool Festival. It's a Fall tradition for us and has been for the past 15 years. This was River's second year and her favorite so far since she was able to walk on her own and understand more of her surroundings. It you've never been, you really should go. It's a wonderful way to welcome in the season.. and eat yummy food. There simply is no better way to spend a cool, sunny Kentucky afternoon than listening to some Blue Grass music while enjoying regional treats. And of course there are the crafts and, River's favorite attraction, the farm animals.

Like my boots? There were made for this kinda stuff!

"Mmmmm, chicken and dumplings and wooly, wooly potatoes!"

"See. I can make them disappear!"

. "That's a pretty Moo-Cow!"

"I really wish there were some chickens here."



. "Bock, bock, bock!"

. "Hello Ms. Sheep!"

. "Baaaaaah."

River's first horse encounter.


And the second.

"Here is MY kinda horse!!"


"I really liked that horse. Can I has one?"


Going home. Dreaming of rocking horses.


"Look what followed me home!!"

See how River has grown since last year: Wool Fest '08



Anonymous said...

Ohh, she looks so much older (and bigger):(,But you can tell she was loving all the cool stuff..I know Memaw was loving getting to share this with her..Love the boots, "pig tales" and great horse..
River growing up I wanted to be a horse trainer or a mermaid..Still haven't decided :)
Your cuz, Gretta


Her MeMaw had a blast!
Every time I see her, I am amazed how much she has grown and how much more she can do on her own. It is both exciting and sad. Our little baby is gone, And now we have our, "Little Miss Independent".

It was the perfect day for a festival. And the food is so good.

Heehaw River!!

Cathy said...

She has gotten so big. Can't remember the last time we saw her. Love the new title photo!