Wednesday, July 2, 2008

8 is Great

"Daddy, when you are done typing may I have some pants?"

River is 8 months old today. Fastest 8 months of my life; seems like it has been 8 days. She is getting pretty good at crawling. . backwards. Going forward still remains elusive. Frontward mobility in her walker doesn't seem to be a problem until she realizes what she is doing and then freezes and starts going backwards even faster. We've noticed that she focuses on things that are at greater distances now. She is able to watch the deer and other wildlife that are several lawns away with ease while Jo and I have to squint through our glasses. She has been able to see things at greater distances for some time now but now she looks for things at greater distances. She wants to go to those places that hold interest for her. She wants to explore and she gets frustrated that she cannot. This will inspire her to perfect the crawling and, eventually, walking. Something tells me that when she finally figures it out there will be no containing her. She will, like her name suggests, be a force of nature.




The RIVER is wild, comes to mind.
She is 2/3 of the way to being 1...This is all going much to fast, and I feel I am missing everything...
I love You RIVER Girl...

Anonymous said...

It is going too fast. Bless your hearts! Chase was 4 when George & I got married, and is turning 10 this year! It's bittersweet, isn't it?
Love, ERIN

Anonymous said...

I love you River. You are growing up way to fast. Taylor and Tanner say hi. They miss your baby smell ( the good one ). Love ya,
Aunt Kim