Saturday, December 27, 2008

Christmas 2008

I've heard some say that Christmas is for children and although I don't believe that is true, it sure helps to experience it through their eyes. In recent years it seems that it has taken longer and longer to feel the Christmas Spirit grab hold. It has become all too easy to let the world make me more jaded.
Then came River. There is no better way to chase away your inner-Scrooge than to have your own Santa-clad elf running around staring at everything in wonder.
I've never had a bad Christmas. My parents and grandparents always saw to it that, no matter what may be going on in the real world, the magic of Christmas was always kept alive. It wasn't always about presents either. . there was just a collective. . something that made the whole season special. Did you ever lay under the Christmas tree and stare up through the limbs? It's a perspective that usually only children enjoy? I remember falling asleep there on more than one occasion. Do you remember entering a room of grownups and noticing their conversation drop to hushed tones while they smiled at you? Surely they were working with Santa. Had they just talked to him? And CARTOONS! There are cartoons on at night! You can't beat that! And what about all the cookies and fudge and goodies that just seems to be everywhere! And what about the snow?? Will it snow? Will we build a snowman? An igloo?
A purely magical time. It can be fragile and easily lost. . but it can be found again.
Thank you River.

"Christmas can be sleepy work."

"I picked these out for my Pepaw but I think I might keep them."

"I hope dis not diapers!"
River loved her Santa costume - I told you that you would be seeing it again. Thanks Leann.


Mmmm. Smoky, sweet hammy goodness! (In the roaster not the apron).


Granny Collier and her favorite elf.


Memaw Hannah and a suspiciously similar elf.


"Uh, Pepaw. . I'm afraid I'm going to have to keep the shades."


The Ride: It has more cup holders than my car, 4 different seating arrangements, a removable canopy, real rubber tires, a hefty storage compartment and will haul up to 200 pounds. I'm sooo jealous! I have no idea how Santa got it down the chimney!


Spoiled? Naaaah.


"Once more around the living room, Daddy, and then lets stop for a bit by the tree."

Sleeping in heavenly peace after a big day.



What a wonderful Life!

Anonymous said...

How blessed we all are to have one another, and especially to be a part of River's life. (Even if it has to be long distance.) She's a sweetheart.

Happy New Year!

Love, Erin