Friday, January 9, 2009

Lets Go!

River loves things with wheels. Whether it be a slightly-too-big motorcycle, the Cadillac of little red wagons or even a stroller that is folded up and unable to roll, she is ready motor. Maybe she will be the next Danica Patrick.
The trouble with the particular situation captured in the photo above is that she likes to sneak (she's like a tiny pink ninja) into our room where we keep her stroller folded up and will proceed to climb into it. She almost always gets her leg stuck in the canopy and then will simply wait for someone to come along and set her free. She knows she is being sneaky and upon discovering her and her plight she will just flash an "awe shucks" smile as if to say, "Guess what happened to me again?"
The video below is a milestone; proof that she can actually set herself free. I'm so proud. Our little pink ninja is growing up!



Anonymous said...

If you think that is being "sneaky just wait... This is just the beging.LOL Gretta

Lainey-Paney said...

our little guy was the same way at that age!