Saturday, February 13, 2010

Big Girl Potty

River has graduated to the "Big Girl Potty"! She is still not completely potty trained yet but she is getting closer and closer. I can see a diaper-free future from here!



Woo Hoo!!!! Doing the happy potty dance.......
Love the picture. She likes to read while on the potty. Wonder who she takes that after? ;-)

Anonymous said...

Aw, I love that pic. Whoever thought someone would look so cute sittin on the potty?

Anonymous said...

I like the "potty pictures", but what catches my eye are those adorable little feet and toes...So sweet...Gretta

Anonymous said...

What a big girl you are, River. Your hair has really gotten long.

Aunt Kim

BBH said...

Congratulations River!!! We're so proud of you. Cindy

Anonymous said...

I love this pic.. She is so darn cute!!!! You are lucky that I don't live near ya... She wouldn't be worth taking home after I got done with her!! LOL