Saturday, March 13, 2010

Tee Time

So the lottery thing isn't working. I've decided to switch gears and come up with another early retirement plan. In short order, the idea came to me! I can't believe I haven't thought of it before now! I LIVE ON A GOLF COURSE and I'M THE FATHER OF A TWO YEAR OLD! All I have to do is influence and mold River into becoming a Golf Phenom! Isn't that what Tiger Wood's father did? Ahhhhh, YES. All I need to start my scheme is a copy of The Complete Idiot's Guide To Golf and some toy golf clubs..

She looks like a natural to me!
.She is very serious. Perhaps pondering her future?
I foresee a time when The Masters awards a pink sleeper to the champion instead of an ugly green jacket.

. Cha-Ching!



Woohoo, I can see the money rolling in right now... She is a winner at everything she does ;-) Of course that is MeMaw talking....

BBH said...

I think you're on to something here!!! I think they should pay her big bucks for being so cute in her pink pj and pig tails.

Anonymous said...

OK, now I have see the point of golf clubs, I was didappointed when I saw the picture on FB and seen it wasn't a vacum (it is never to early to teach the art of cleaning) but golf clubs. But now I understand there is a long range plan here...To cute, and forsure the pigtails, you know I just love those pigtails. Gretta