Thursday, April 1, 2010

Fighter Pilot Cool

A World War II style A-2 Bomber jacket, a pair of jeans, tennis shoes and a tootsie pop. She couldn't be more All American if she were a slice of apple pie.



Awwww, COOL! PePaw says she needs a motorcycle ;-) I told him not yet!!!

W.C.Camp said...

Cool duds!! I noticed the Build a Bear site so you will have to make a bear with a bomber jacket too!

Take care. W.C.C.

Rob said...

Great Idea, W.C.! Thanks!

Lainey-Paney said...

a golfer, a shopper, and fighter pilot???
she IS awesome!

BBH said...

You could put her in any type of outfit and she would be adorable. Nice jacket!!!

Anonymous said...

Just COOL!! Gretta