Friday, April 30, 2010

Impromptu Pool Party

River has been dying to splash around in her wading pool for days now. So much so that she talked us into bringing it in the house so she could sit in it without any water. I think this was just a ploy to make us feel sorry for her.
Today the weather was warm enough to enjoy a quick splash. Naturally, Daisy had to join in.




"A, B, C, D. MOMMY LISTEN! A, B, C.."


Look how much she has grown since her first pool party!




I am so glad she loves the water.
The swimsuit is so sweet. Great new pool.
I know it has been really busy at work, thanks so much for the ya

Anonymous said...

Love the bikini, and great singing!! Gretta

Anonymous said...

What a beauty!! love the swimming pool pictures of her and daisy!! Memories in the making... Beautiful family you have Rob!