Monday, May 31, 2010

Porch Swings and Popsicles

Memorial Day Weekend, 2010.
River spent the holiday in Eastern Kentucky. Enjoying all the sights and sounds that make such gatherings the treasures that they are. These are the times that she will look back and remember her family all being together at once. Carefree days of creaking porch swings and the slam of a storm door repeating itself over and over as she and her cousins run in and out. Days of popsicles, strawberry shortcake, watermelon and sweet tea. She will remember the laughter of all the generations gathered as they reminisce over country ham and cornbread. At night she will remember the sounds of crickets, whippoorwills and the gentle braying of cattle off in the distance as fireflies flicker outside her bedroom window on her grandparents farm. No worries just happy times.
As she grows older, River's mother and I will make sure that she understands that these days were brought to her, and insured, by the men and women of the United States Military, many of which made the ultimate sacrifice so that little girls and boys could grow up and enjoy times just like these.

Memaw and Pepaw's Farm.
. A couple of modern day cowgirls coming in from feeding the livestock.

. Sharing the swing with Pepaw.

. At the playground with Mommy and Uncle Monkey.

. Taking a break at the playground in the shade.

. Time for a quick dip on Memaw's deck.

. Ahhh! That is better!

. JoAnna and her Pappaw Clarence.

. Future Wildcat?

. She means business!

. Watching the game with Memaw.

. River's cousins, Ashley and Mikkah.

. River and her cousins. Taking this picture was like catching lightening in a bottle.

. On the railroad.. just like Pepaw.

. Watching the clouds roll by. Is there a better way to spend an afternoon?

."There is no place like home." - Dorothy Gale


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