Monday, June 14, 2010

Can You Guess??

The pictures below were taken just two hours ago. The injuries she has were sustained yesterday. Can you guess what happened?

Severe second degree burns? Raw rubbed places? Blisters?

This, my friends, is the work of a few mosquitos. MOSQUITOS! .
I had noticed when playing in her pool yesterday evening that a mosquito had landed on her back. I squished it and thought nothing more of it.
The next morning she had a few dimes sized marks on her that I mentioned to the staff at school so they would know that she might itch.
By 10am the owner of the facility was calling me and requesting that I take my child to the doctor before letting her return.
According to our doctor, River is just one sensitive girl. The last time we had to visit him she had a rash all over her. It looked like she had Fifth's Disease. It wasn't an ailment, her skin just has a hard time with the heat. Apparently this was along the same vein. She has an incredibly strong immunity response. That's supposed to be a good thing even though it sure doesn't look like it.
For those of you who are worried, she is fine by the way. It was a little itchy this morning but she doesn't even notice or complain about them. The doctor did say this could take up to two weeks to disappear.
Let me know if you can suggest a good baby friendly bug repellent.
No kidding. Mosquito bites.



I am so glad I was sitting down. I have never seen anything like this.
Glad they don't bother her.

Cathy said...

Does Avon still make Skin So Soft? That stuff was great and it was a hand lotion.

Lainey-Paney said...

Mosquito bites.
I knew it right away.
Why? Because our son was THAT sensitive too.
Did the doc tell you that those types of major reactions---well, it can be associated with an immature immune system & over time, her reactions may not be as strong. That's what the pediatrician told us anyway.
Let me tell you---a little boy can get a mosquito bite on his boy bits, and have that type of huge, red, itchy, swollen response & OMG! Talk about FREAKING OUT as a parent!

Burt's Bees makes a natural insect repellant. I don't know how well it works....
We use Cutter's & OFF around here.
We also spray the yard routinely with Cutter's (I think that's the brand) Bug Free Backyard. It lasts about 2 weeks & for us, works wonders. You get it at Home Depot or Lowe's & hook it up to the garden hose.
It may not be all-natural, but it prevents my baby from getting welps like that!
Another tip---mosquitos are week at flying through water. If you have an outdoor patio area where she likes to play, for about $30 you can install your own mister system with kits from HD or Lowe's. We used to have one on our patio perimeter at our old house, and it did a good job at keeping the mosquitos out.

Okay....good luck!

Lainey-Paney said...

correction: weak; not week.

Anonymous said...

mmmmm, I'm like Marti, glad I was sitting down.. gretta