Sunday, August 22, 2010

Ravioli AND Salad!

It's the little things the progress over time that you miss if you don't pay attention. We went to Olive Garden today and River enjoyed some cheese ravioli. Although she wore a bib, she really didn't need it; she didn't spill a drop of sauce. I was amazed. Then (with the help of Jo) I noticed other milestones: she didn't require a high chair, she didn't need a sippy cup, she used full-sized utensils, she said "Please" and "Thank You" and (the most amazing part) she ate a salad!!
A SALAD!! With Lettuce and tomato and other salady stuff!

I know this isn't huge stuff. I'm not going to notify MENSA (yet) but when you consider her first experience with ravioli not too long ago, I cannot help but be a little proud.




Such a good, big girl. Your Momma and Daddy have helped you become a little girl to be very proud of. And your PePaw and I couldn't be prouder :-)
Love you so much.

Anonymous said...

River, you have grown into a big girl, that I`m so proud of. your Mom and Dad have done such a great job with teaching you the proper way`s of life. You are a special littler girl. Love Granny

erin said...

HA! Chase has just recently started eating salad, and he's 11! You go River!

Anonymous said...

Shes getting to be such a big girl! Thats so cool she is eating salad... Love you River,, Tracee