Saturday, August 7, 2010

Staying Cool

The Slip-N-Slide has its place along side Mr. Potato Head, Slinky, the Hula Hoop, Barbie and the Radio Flyer Wagon as classic toys that every child should experience at least once. I remember a summer in the late 70's when I enjoyed running and jumping on my cousin's S-N-S during a family visit to Florida. Of course there always comes a time when someone will slide over a stick or rock (or piece of petrified dog poo) resulting in a scratch that can only be healed by a band aid, a popsicle and a kiss from mom. I think my cousin Hope was the unlucky one who received the boo boo that day. She healed just fine I hear and has managed to continue with her life despite her injury. She always was the strong one.
With the super high temperatures recently we decided to buy River a Slip-N-Slide all her own. She managed to make it through the afternoon without a scratch. As you can see below, she and Daisy had a very good time.






River, You are one lucky little girl. Just the thing for this hot summer ;-) Looks like you and Daisy had a wonderful time.

Anonymous said...

River,Looks like you were having a great time with your s&s. (Daisy too.)HOPE TO SEE YOU SOON. Love,Granny.

Anonymous said...

S-n-S's Rock! gretta