Friday, August 27, 2010

Toy Story 4

River fell instantly in love with the first 2 Toy Story movies on her mini DVR player and even now hardly a week goes by when she doesn't ask to watch at least one of them. It was no surprise that one of the highlights of her summer was to see Toy Story 3 on the big screen and, although I thought it was a little too dark at times for a wee one under 3 years old, River seemed to watch and enjoy every minute.
Soon after we returned from the theater, something strange began to happen. The characters from the movie began to follow her home!
First came the potato..
"Mr. The-Tay-Toe Head!" River exclaimed when she first saw him. "He's come to live with me!"

. Buzz Lightyear arrived a few days later on our doorstep like the conquering hero. River squealed when she opened the door to greet him.

One by one they came. Not in boxes or wrapped in paper but by the front door or simply waiting to be discovered while sitting on the sofa or resting on the mantle because.. well.. it's rude to wrap old friends up in boxes and paper.

The lessons of the Toy Story films seem to have not been lost on River; Appreciate your friends, Take care of your toys and Play nice. We've enjoyed taking advantage of the opportunity to teach her these lessons and have a little fun too.


Buzz and Jessie reunited with the help of River.
. Barbie, Ken and Etch dazzle with their spelling skills.

.A shocked River shortly after she discovered Jessie on the sofa.

. The Potato Heads enjoying a little romantic time.

. Did you know that potatoes float? (But they're not very happy about it.)

. Stretch prefers to spend his time in the pool.


After each new arrival River would ask when Woody was coming. Sometimes she would direct her question to her mother or I and sometimes to Buzz and the other toys. Finally he arrived last Monday bringing the great Toy Story migration to an end. He was waiting in her car seat for her when I came to pick her up at daycare and you would have thought Santa Claus himself had been waiting there.


Play Nice.


Anonymous said...

LOVE THIS!!!!! I love River so much, she is such a sweetie!!! The last picture of her and Woody is by far my fave, she is too cute for words!!!
Cousin Ashley =)

erin said...

*tears* again.....
I love you all!

Anonymous said...

River, I know you are going to have a great time with all your friends from Story Book. You are a special little girl and they know they will be treated good.Love you,Granny


So happy to get to visit with you and your friends this week, so glad Woody finally arrived ;-)