Friday, September 10, 2010

Virginia Beach

We took River on her first vacation last week away from home. It felt like our first vacation as well since it had been eleven years since we have taken one. Simply put; the wait was worth it. We all had a wonderful time.
Naturally we were concerned how River would take the long ride in her car seat but she traveled the distance like a pro. On the way home we stopped only once in nine hours for River to enjoy a Happy Meal. Perhaps the next time I will ask her to drive.


Don't let the Surfer Girl image fool you; River didn't really care for the ocean itself but she LOVED the beach. It was all about the sand as far as she was concerned. The boogie board saw more action in the hotel room with me dragging her back and forth on the carpet while she giggled uncontrollably.

. You don't always know at the time when you are making a cherished memory.. but sometimes you do. This is one of those times when we knew for certain.

. River was lucky enough to have her picture taken with a good lookin' lifeguard. Oh, wait a minute.. that's me.

. One of the many seagulls who either wanted you to give them food or just get the h#ll off of their beach.
We kept hearing an odd thumping sound in the trunk for the first 200 miles but it eventually faded away. We had originally thought that the luggage was uneven but, much to our surprise, Memaw Marti popped out of the trunk at a rest stop in West Virginia. As it turned out, she was a godsend and a blast to vacation with. (She rode in the backseat on the way back home.)


Jo: The Planner, The Budget Maker, The Navigator. The.. Everything. Thank you Sweetheart.

She worked really hard to get those toes in the sand.

River took her sand construction work very seriously.

Naval vessels were always just offshore and military jets always overhead. Virginia Beach must be one of the safest stretches of American coastline. God Bless America.

There is nothing more comfortable.

Hurricane River destroys a beachfront town! News at Eleven!

Sunrise on Virginia Beach, 09/09/10, 06:44am.

It is easy to forget how blessed we are to live in such a beautiful country. Remind yourself once in a while and just get in the car and drive. Our land is a treasure that I hope River never takes for granted.




You would not beliee how hard it was to hide away.
SO WORTH IT!!!!!!!!!!!!

We had a GREAT vacation!
Cherished every moment, even the ones in the trunk ;-)

Lets do it again soon.

Cathy said...

Looks like you guys had a wonderful time!

That ship looks like a destroyer--- did you see get to see hovercraft? A-10's? F/A 18's?

Rob said...

Cathy - Yes, we had a great time. I didn't see any hovercraft. Mostly F-18's, several Blackhawk helicopters and 1 very large transport plane that I couldn't clearly identify because I was driving.

Anonymous said...

JUST WAY TO AWESOME!! Glad you all had such a wonderful time... And I am very pleased to learn River does so well on long trips... MAYBE the next long trip could be to see her Florida Family...I might could find some sand for her to enjoy here too.. just sayin :) gretta

erin said...

Marti is pretty good to vacation with. When I went to Florida with her and the gang, she would french-braid my hair. Too bad she couldn't braid your's Rob. LOL!

Rob said...

Erin, if we ever vacation together you better sleep with one eye open. I can shave a head in less than 2 minutes. You've been warned. ;)

Anonymous said...

You all looked like you had a great time at the beach. I really enjoyed looking at the pictures, great pics by the way. River is just so cute. I loved the video of her playing in the sand. lova ya, Tracee